csTimer versão 2024.12.01 - Cronometro Profissional de Cubo Mágico
csTimer é um cronometro profissional feito para montadores de cubo mágico, ele possui:
Diversos algoritmos de embaralhamento, incluindo todos os eventos oficiais da WCA, uma variedade de "twisty puzzles", embaralhamentos de treino para passos específicos (ex. F2L, OLL, PLL, ZBLL , e pode filtrar casos), etc.
Variadas estatísticas, ele suporta time-split timing; Qualquer quantidade de sessões, separação/junção de sessões, etc.
Diversos revolvedores, como <Cruz, Xcross, Face de 2x2x2, Face de Skewb, Cube Shape de SQ1, para se aprender e treinar tais passos.
Outras ferramentas auxiliares, como imagem do embaralhamento, alerta de 8 segundos de inspeção (em voz), metrônomo, gerador de embaralhamento em quantidade, etc.
Função de backup, para evitar perda de dados. Você pode salvar suas solves para arquivos locais, o server do csTimer, ou servidores do Google
csTimer suporta a maioria dos browsers de desktop modernos. Em celulares ou tablets, você pode adicionar o csTimer à sua área de trabalho e ele funcionará como um aplicativo nativo.
csTimer usa o cache do seu browser, usando sua rede apenas quando aberto pela primeira vez. Após isso, o csTimer funciona sem uma conexão à internet ativa (exceto funções como backup à servers)
Direitos autorais
csTimer é um software de código aberto que segue a GPLv3. Se tiver alguma sugestão ou comentário sobre o csTimer, envie-o aqui.
Como começar a cronometrar - Segure a barra de espaço (ou ambos Ctrl esquerdo e direito, ou toque a tela em dispositivos móveis) e espere o cronometro se tornar verde, o cronometro se iniciará assim que a barra de espaço for solta. Pressione qualquer tecla para parar o cronometro e o tempo será salvo.
Descrição da interface - Existem 6 botões próximos ao logo do csTimer: opções, exportar, embaralhamento, listar tempos, doar e ferramentas. Clique em embaralhamento, listar tempos ou ferramentas para abrir os painéis correspondentes.
Painel de embaralhamento - No painel de embaralhamento, você consegue selecionar seu tipo de embaralhamento, forçar um comprimento fixo de embaralhamento, e filtrar por casos (se disponível), revisar o embaralhamento anterior e gerar o próximo embaralhamento.
Painel de lista de tempos - No painel de lista de tempos, você pode abrir o gerenciador de sessões clicando em "Sessão", selecionar/adicionar/deletar sessões, esvaziar sessões usando o seletor e o "X" próximo dele, e visualizar estatísticas como single/média atuais, melhor single/média, e a lista completa de tempos.
Painel de ferramentas - No painel de ferramentas, você pode selecionar funções auxiliares especificas, incluindo imagem do embaralhamento, geradores de embaralhamento, revolvedores, vários tipos de estatísticas, etc.
Atalhos de teclado
Alt + 1
Scramble type to Square-1
Alt + 2 ~ 7
Scramble type to 2x2x2~7x7x7
Alt + p/m/c/s
Scramble type to pyra/megaminx/clock/skewb
Alt + i
Scramble type to input
Alt + d
Remove all solves in current session
Ctrl/Alt + z
Remove the latest solve
Alt + up/down
To next/last session
Alt + left/right
Display last/next scramble
Ctrl + 1/2/3
The latest solve is OK/+2/DNF
Ctrl + Alt + t/i/s/v/g/q/b/l
Entering in times with timer/typing/stackmat/virtual/bluetooth cube/qcube/bluetooth timer/last layer
Up left
The latest solve is DNF
The latest solve is +2
Up right
The latest solve is OK
Last scramble
Next scramble
Down left
Add comment to the latest solve
Remove the latest solve
Down right
Check the latest solve
Mapa de Teclas do Cubo Virtual
Detalhes das opções
Esconder TODOS os elementos enquanto se resolve. Hide logo and all panels when timing.
usar milisegundos. Display the millisecond digit, no matter whether it is checked, the internal timing accuracy of csTimer is 1 millisecond.
formato do tempo. Time format to display.
Exportação automática (a cada 100 resoluções). Se for selecionado, o csTimer irá exportar os tempos automaticamente a cada 100 resoluções para o local designado, arquivo local, servidor do csTimer, ou Google Storage.
Import non-latest data. If you've uploaded multiple backups, you can import from one of the up to 10 most recently uploaded backups, if you accidentally upload an empty backup, this option will help you retrieve your solves.
mensagens de dicas na logo. csTimer's Logo will serve as an information display panel that prompts for a variety of information you may be interested in, such as breaking PB.
Mostrar averages rápidas na frente. Two lines of labels are displayed below the the main timer, the current two averages, ao5 and ao12 by default.
Ampliar. You can adjust sizes of all elements by this option.
fonte do cronômetro. Font of the main timer.
UI design is. You can switch ui design to material-like, or hide shadows by this option.
formato do site. Switch between desktop and mobile views.
Estilo do painel de exibição do embaralhamento. Make scramble panel embedded into background.
Estilo do painel de estatísticas. Make list times panel embedded into background.
Estilo do painel de ferramentas. Make tool panel embedded into background.
opacidade da imagem de fundo. Opacity of the background image.
imagem de fundo. You can select your own image as the background image, however, only https urls are available due to security constraint of the browser.
tamanho do cronômetro. Set the size of main timer.
usar fonte pequena depois do ponto. Use a smaller font size after the digital point in main timer.
escolha um tema de cores. Select color schemes of csTimer. Click csTimer's logo to show more color schemes.
usar mouse como cronômetro. Use mouse to start timer, keyboard-trigger will also be available.
usar inspeção da WCA. Enable WCA inspection procedure, which is a 15-second countdown, auto +2/DNF penalty will also be enabled if you inspecting more than 15 seconds.
aviso de voz da inspeção da WCA. Alert at 8s/12s of inspection, to simulate the alert from judge in WCA competitions.
Volume de voz. Voice level of the alert above.
inserção de tempos. csTimer is able to add solves by several ways, it supports manually input, automatically record from a stackmat timer, connect to a bluetooth smart cube or play virtual Rubik's cube, besides keyboard timing.
Unit when entering an integer. When you type an integer XXX in the input box, what does it mean, XXX second or XXX centisecond or XXX millisecond?
atualização do cronômetro. How timer is updated when timing.
tempo mantendo a barra de espaços pressionada (segundo(s)). How long the space bar should be held before the timer turns green.
fases de cronometragem. Number of phases, press any key to mark a split point when timing.
Use Stackmat Status Information. Stackmat will report its state, e.g. whether left or right area is touched, then csTimer is able to use these information, however, the data error might occur and cause unexpected behavior.
tamanho do embaralhamento. Size of the scramble text.
Auto scramble size. The size of the scramble text will be automatically adjusted by the length of the scramble, which works with together previous option.
embaralhamento com espaços. Use monospaced font for scramble text.
Limitar a altura da área de embaralhamento. When the scramble area is too high, a scroll bar will occur to avoid the raising of the scramble panel.
Alinhamento da área do embaralhamento. Alignment of the whole scramble area, include scramble type selector.
pre-scramble. Pre moves before scramble, which is used for virtual Rubik's cube and scramble image.
Color neutral. If turned on, the position/first-layer color of some training scrambles will be random.
Probabilities for training-scramble states. For training scrambles, the probability of each case can be set to: follow the probability of the actual solving process; or let all cases appear with equal probability; or let all cases appear randomly in sequence (that is, to ensure that all N cases appear at least once in the next 2 N scrambles).
Usando embaralhamento rápido para 4x4x4 (não-oficial). WCA official 4x4x4 scramble requires huge computation resources, select this option to use a random-move scramble for 4x4x4 instead.
Destacar movimento(s) chave. Mark a key move in the scramble, e.g. the move that take the state away from square shape in SQ1 scrambles.
Action when clicking scramble. Behavior when you click on the scramble text, copy scramble or generate next scramble.
Número de resoluções retiradas de cada lado. Number of solves trimmed at head and tail of solves when calculating average.
mostrar dados antes da lista de tempos. Show the statistics table before time list.
Show target time for session best. In the statistics table, the time required to refresh personal best after next solve is displayed. "N/A" means the next solve will not refresh PB no matter how fast it is, "∞" means any time except DNF will refresh PB.
mostrar embaralhamentos nas estatísticas. Print scramble in round statistics dialog.
mostrar data de resolução nas estatísticas. Print solving date in round statistics dialog.
renomear a sessão imediatamente depois de criar. Immediately rename a session after creating it.
criar uma nova sessão quando mudar o tipo de embaralhamento. When switching scramble type, a new session will be created.
Lista de tempos ao contrário. Invert the time list, thus, latest solves will at the bottom of the time list.
Habilitar o esvaziamento de sessão. When disabled, an '+' button (for session creating) will replace the 'X' button besides the session selector, thus, when clicked, a new empty session will be created instead of clearing the whole session.
Show absolute index in statistics report. Show absolute index in the session instead of 1 to number of solves (e.g. 1/2/3 for mo3) in round statistics.
Show stat. when clicking solve number. When click the first row of the time list, show a round statistics for a single solve.
Indicadores estatísticos. Statistical indicator for the statistics table, when customizing, aoX and moX are available.
Ativar deleção múltipla. Able to delete multiple solves starts from a solve, for avoid misunderstand, the selected solve will be the oldest solve to delete.
precisão da distribuição de tempos. Time interval for the time distribution tool.
Show solution progressively. If selected, only the length of a solution from a solver is displayed, and you can view the solution one move by one move, otherwise, the whole solution is displayed.
Tamanho da imagem do embaralhamento. Set the size of scramble image.
número de ferramentas. csTimer is able to show up to 4 tools simultaneously.
usar atalhos do teclado. Use keyboard shortcut to switch scramble type, generate next scramble, switch between sessions. Click csTimer's logo to show details.
use gesture control. Use gestures (swiping in different directions) to switch OK/+2/DNF, add comments, generate next scramble, etc. Also available on non-touch screen devices when mouse timer is enabled. Click csTimer's logo to show details.
velocidade base do VRC (tps). Base turn speed of the virtual Rubik's cube, the turn will be speed up if there are multiple moves to turn.
múltiplas fases. Automatic multi-phase split for virtual Rubik's cube and bluetooth cube.
Bluetooth Cube Mode. Usage mode of smart cube: In normal mode, you need to manually scramble the cube until it is consistent with the scrambled state; in training mode, after pressing the space (or touching the screen on the touch screen), the virtual cube will directly change to the scrambled state. You need to solve virtual cube partially (depends on scramble, e.g. permutation of last layer is not checked in oll training) instead of physical cube; In continuous training mode, in addition to training mode, once the virtual cube is solved, you will directly enter the next solve without pressing space. You can also press ESC (on a touch screen, hold the screen for 2 seconds) to exit the solve.
Mostrar cubo Giiker virtual. Show a virtual Rubik's cube in the main timer when connecting to a bluetooth cube.
Indicar o final do embaralhamento esperando. For a bluetooth cube, csTimer cannot know whether a move is from for scrambling or solving.
indicar o final do embaralhamento com a barra de espaço. When the space bar is pressed, the bluetooth cube is marked scrambled, any turns after that will treated as the start of timing.
Indicar o final do embaralhamento fazendo. Use specific move sequences on the bluetooth cube to mark scrambled.
Apitar quando estiver embaralhado. Beep when some of scramble-finish signal is triggered.
Resetar cubo Giiker quando conectado. When connecting to a bluetooth cube, csTimer will detect whether it is solved, if not, there might be some hardware problems or the cube is really unsolved.
Detecção de erro de hardware automática. Some bluetooth cubes will loss some of moves due to hardware failure, csTimer will try to detect such case.
Tools detail
Gerador de Embaralhamentos. Você pode gerar até 999 embaralhamentos com um clique através desta ferramenta.
Confirmar tempo. Ferramenta para visualizar as resoluções atuais com o seu comentário, embaralhamento, data de resolução e reconstrução caso esteja disponível, o que também é a caixa de texto que aparece quando você clica em uma resolução.
estatísticas de sessão cruzada. Com esta ferramenta você pode fazer estatísticas de sessões cruzadas.
Estatíticas. Statistic table similar with the table in the list times panel.
Distribuição dos tempos. Distribuição de tempos e análise de consistência, <X Y/Z significa que existe um total de Y resoluções abaixo de X segundos, e todas as últimas Z resoluções da sessão estão abaixo de X segundos
Gráfico dos tempos. Shows a trend curve of all solves in current session.
Daily Statistics. Count number of solves each day/week/month/year.
desenhar o embaralhamento. Scramble image to verify a correct scramble, all WCA puzzles are supported.
Solvers > resolver o Roux S1. Roux 1st step solver, which solves a 1x2x3 block.
Solvers > resolver a EOLine. EO line solver, which solves orientations of all 12 edges, and positions of DF and DB edges.
Solvers > resolver a cruz. Cross solver, which solve DF, DL, DR, DB edges.
Solvers > 2x2x2 face. 2x2x2 face solver, which solves a face of 2x2x2 cube.
Solvers > Cross + F2L. Cross and F2L solver, which solves Cross and 4 F2Ls with computer search, so the solution might be far from human solutions.
Solvers > Roux S1 + S2. Roux 1st and 2nd step solver, which firstly solves a 1x2x3 block on the left face and then expend another 1x2x3 block on the right face with R, M, r, U.
Solvers > 2x2x2 + 2x2x3. Petrus 1st and 2nd step solver, which firstly solves an 2x2x2 block on the left and then expend it to a 2x2x3 on the left.
Solvers > EOLine + ZZF2L. Eoline and ZZF2L solver, which firstly solves the EOLine and then solve one of left 1x2x3 or right 1x2x3 and the solve the other 2x2x3.
Solvers > SQ1 S1 + S2. SQ1 1st and 2nd step solver, which firstly solves the shape of SQ1 and then split U pieces and D pieces.
Solvers > Pyraminx V. Pyraminx V solver, which solves three corners and two edges to shape into a 'V' pattern for pyraminx.
Solvers > Skewb Face. Skewb face solver, which solves a layer of skewb, more specifically, 1 center and 4 neighbor corners.
cubo Giiker. Auxiliary tool for bluetooth cube, which is able to show current state, battery power, real-time reconstruction etc.
Metrônomo. Metronome, besides beeping at specific frequency, you make it beep at specific time after starting solve as well.
Common Scramble. Using same scrambles with friends by setting a common seed.
stackmat. Auxiliary tool for Stackmat, which is able to view the status, power and noise level of the signal, etc.
In addition to timing by keyboard, csTimer also supports Bluetooth Smart Cubes and Smart Timers.
If you use a smart cube, csTimer will record the detailed solution of each of your solves and provide more statistics and practice functions (e.g. CFOP automatic segmentation, etc.)
For some bluetooth cubes, we need you to provide the MAC address of your cube to decrypt the data. csTimer is able to automatically read MAC address of the cube if you properly setup your browser:
Chrome: enable chrome://flags/#enable-experimental-web-platform-features flag in browser settings.
Bluefy: turn on Enable BLE Advertisements option in browser settings.